Green leaves on a tree.

Occupational Therapy

Origami Occupational Therapist works in the kitchen with a client

Occupational therapy is an essential part of the rehabilitation process. At Origami, our occupational therapists promote health and recovery following an injury or disability through the therapeutic use of daily activities in a calming, homelike environment.

Our certified and specialized occupational therapy team is trained to address cognition, mobility, vision, physical function, community, and home access. Treatment plans address a variety of symptoms and needs in order to regain independence and reach your individual goals.

Diagnoses We Specialize In

  • Movement Disorders
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Neurologic deficits stemming from tumor, aneurysm, seizures, etc.
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Deficits: convergence, accommodation, irregular eye movements (pursuits and saccades), visual spatial deficit, unilateral spatial inattention

Focus of Treatment

Including but not limited to…

  • Assistive technology
  • Basic Activities of Daily Living
  • Caregiver training and education
  • Cognitive remediation
  • Driving and community mobility
  • Fine motor skills and coordination
  • Home evaluations
  • Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
  • Return to productive activities such as employment and/or school
  • Rhythmic movement training
  • Sensory integration
  • Transfers and functional mobility
  • Upper extremity physical dysfunction
  • Vision (ocular motor and binocularity)
  • Visual perception
  • Wheelchair seating assessments and mobility

 Specialty Certifications

  • Car Fit Educators
  • Certified Brain Injury Specialists
  • Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Home Fit Educators
  • IASTM Certification (Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization & Movement)
  • Interactive Metronome Certified Providers
  • MNRI – Dynamic and Postural Reflex Certification
  • Myofascial Release Certification
  • Neuro-Visual Postural Trainers
  • Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Certification
  • Saebo Orthotic Certification
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation Certification

Specialty Services

  • Cognitive Perceptual Motor Remediation
  • Concussion Care
  • Driver Rehabilitation
  • Neuro-Visual Postural Training and Clinic
  • Serial Casting
  • Vocational Services
  • Vision Therapy and Clinic

Meet Our Experts

The rehabilitation process can be challenging, which is why we have a team of experts who are here to guide you each step of the way on your recovery journey. Meet our certified occupational therapists who possess a variety of specialized service trainings:


Colette Brzezinski, MS, OTRL, CBIS

Colette Brzezinski, MS, OTRL, CBIS

Occupational Therapist

Kara Christy, MS, OTRL, CBIS

Kara Christy, MS, OTRL, CBIS

Occupational Therapy Supervisor

Heather Heppe, MS, OTRL, CDRS, CDI, CBIS

Heather Heppe, MS, OTRL, CDRS, CDI, CBIS

Occupational Therapist, Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist

Hannah Klepal, MS, OTRL

Hannah Klepal, MS, OTRL

Occupational Therapist

Gracie Lefler, MS, OTRL

Gracie Lefler, MS, OTRL

Occupational Therapist

Sarah Miller, MS, OTRL, CBIS

Sarah Miller, MS, OTRL, CBIS

Occupational Therapist

Stephanie Moon, MS, OTRL, CBIS

Stephanie Moon, MS, OTRL, CBIS

Occupational Therapist